Sunday, January 09, 2011

Joy in Simplicity - #9

"By the seventh day God had finished the work he had been doing, so on that seventh day he rested from all his work" - Gen. 2:2

Why do we feel guilty when we sit down to rest - even God the creator of the Universe rested! Our world has programmed us to feel as though we are falling short if we aren't running around 24/7. That is just not how God created this whole thing to work.

I would suggest that if we would take more time to rest and relax on the "seventh day" we would be much happier employees, more relaxed parents, and more healthier for that matter. Our society tells us that if we want to be good at something we need to be constantly working to get better.

God tells us that if we want to be good at something - more importantly our relationship with him, we must "Be still and know" (Psalm 46:10) Now I know that I may be stepping on people's toes here - but it seems as though there is no day that is sacred anymore. There are games on Sundays now that kids are playing in - what ever happened to having a day off! The kids need it, we as adults need it - God needed it - or at least showed us by his example.

I know some of you must work on a Sunday - I totally understand that - when you work for a Church Sunday is your busy day - then you must be faithful to take another day as your off day! Mark an X on your calendar meaning you are going to rest that day, so something relaxing and enjoying.

If you are a parent, you may be saying well that is impossible with our schedule - then you must be strong enough as a parent to say no to somethings - show your children by example what it means to have a day of rest.

Please understand that we have not perfected this day of rest thing - but we have improved dramatically and it has changed our lives, and all aspects of our health (mental, physical, social, emotional, and spiritual)

Are you resting today? If not what day will you take to rest????

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