Friday, January 07, 2011

Joy in Simplicity - #7

Can you believe we are already one week into the new year! Did I mention I love the new year, and I love the first real snow of the year - some of you may be thinking really the first - yup - the first snow that stayed on the ground while I have been in Richfield. It makes the dead of winter look so much nicer. Simple Beauty!

What is beautiful to you? To me nothing screams beauty more than nature itself, but for you it make be art, it may be a building, it may even be a person on the outside or on the inside.

I think too often we get caught up in the craziness of life, and the rush to get from one place to another and we miss out on the simple beauty around us. One of my favorite things to do with my husband while we were dating was to just drive around on the back road and enjoy God's creation (really we kept it PG - I promise) Joel knows how much I just love creation and nature, the simple beauty of a leaf as the vains crawl in all different directions and each one is intrinsically made differently can be breathtaking.

Today - slow down and notice the beauty - blog about it, facebook about it, journal about it, but please tell someone about it - it is in the sharing of the beauty that we find that we encourage others to also slow down to see the beauty! What captured your eye today?

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