Thursday, January 20, 2011

Joy in Simplicity - #20

Today I want to share with you a simple, yet one of the most life changing verses in the bible. Now some of you may read this verse and disagree with my statement about life changing, however I will explain myself and hopefully you will understand. This is a verse to memorize - put it on your dashboard of your car, put it on your mirror in dry erase marker, and save it in your heart, you will never know how handy it will come in.

"Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, and faithful in prayer" Rom. 12:12

How simple these words but how profound of an impact they have had in my life. Three simple commands on how to respond to situations in life. First "be joyful in hope" - when Christ is in our life we have the greatest hope, we have something amazing to look forward to. Hope is trusting that something better is to come - even when we can't see that in our immediate future.

"patient in affliction" - there is no way we can escape hard times - they will happen to use, but this verse calms me down, it helps me put things into perspective. I am not alone in my affliction - Christ walks with me through it all.

Finally - we are to be "faithful in prayer" that part has always been my kick in the butt. I am always faithful to complain, faithful to be upset, faithful to do everything but pray - so I am thankful for this simple reminder that whatever the situation - I need to bath it in prayer!

It is my prayer that today you will find joy in the simple yet profound words from Romans 12:12.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

what's interesting to me is that each requires some faith on OUR part before anything else will happen, regardless of whether anything will happen. joyful in hope - that means you have to HAPPILY CHOOSE belief... PATIENT in affliction... you have to knowingly endure... FAITHFUL - as our God is faithful - in prayer - the most powerful way for us to communicate with our God. Jana, you could spend many sessions addressing this one passage!! it's meant so much to me already - thanks!!!! continue on - i've enjoyed reading your blogs!