Wednesday, January 05, 2011

Joy in Simplicity - #5

571 - that's a big number... it is the number of emails in my inbox! AHHHHH!!! Okay now that I have gotten over that! My inbox seems to always be full, my mail box always seems to be filled, my floor seems to be filled with piles of papers. Mail everywhere!!! To me that is overwhelming and it simply sucks my joy every time I look at the pile! So today I am starting my Inbox/Mailbox empty adventure! (If you look at it as an adventure you are more likely to do it!)

Let's look at the mailbox first - junk mail - yuck! We get tons of it, catalogs, flyers, once they get out of the post office door then it goes to pile in my car or the house - no more! In the last month I have been sorting all my mail and only leaving the post office with mail that a bill or a personal letter. It helps in three ways - no temptation to buy something I don't need in a catalog, I can use that extra time to do something meaningful, and I have less of a pile at home!
Another idea is a system I learned from a YL friend - one touch mail! You get it, open it and take care of it immediately, whether that would be filing it, or paying it, or sending an RSVP (which by the way people have gotten horrible at in this culture) So - what change will you make in this area.

Now to the email - I think I made a mistake when I got all my facebook updates sent to my email - have of my inbox is filled with I am thinking - undo that! Then I am going to take an hour (okay maybe two) to go through my inbox and if I need to save it - it goes in a folder, if I need to delete it - off to the trash can it goes - my goal today - INBOX ZERO!!! But it can't just be today - it has to be a pattern change - so maybe I am going to plan a day each week to be my inbox zero day!

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