Well even though the camera broke I was still able to get some good pictures of my kids on Christmas. Just a note - we are a hick family, so that will explain the fact that my sister's kids came to Christmas dressed in Camo! They are so funny up there in Potter County! My brother's kids are Paige and Matthew and my sister's kids (in the camo) are Hayes and Kamryn. They were all so good at Christmas - I was really impressed! I had so much fun watching them open their gifts! It is fun being an Aunt - you get to spoil the kids and then send them home!
Friday, December 28, 2007
Christmas Pictures!
Well even though the camera broke I was still able to get some good pictures of my kids on Christmas. Just a note - we are a hick family, so that will explain the fact that my sister's kids came to Christmas dressed in Camo! They are so funny up there in Potter County! My brother's kids are Paige and Matthew and my sister's kids (in the camo) are Hayes and Kamryn. They were all so good at Christmas - I was really impressed! I had so much fun watching them open their gifts! It is fun being an Aunt - you get to spoil the kids and then send them home!
Thursday, December 27, 2007
The Dead Camera
Well ...tomorrow I get to go in the office and let my boss know that once again after two years - the camera has died. It seems as though each time we buy a digital camera - it last exactly two years, and then it breaks. The bad part is since I am the one that takes most of the pictures at the church, it is always in my possession when it decides to stop working. The worst part of it all was I was taking a really cute Christmas picture of the nieces and nephews when it breathed it last breath. I am not sure if I got the picture or not - I will have to let you know at a later date, if I did I will post the picture - if not - imagine four really cute kids all smiling because they are with Aunt Jana! (you can laugh now!)
Well it was a great Christmas despite the broken camera - it was really fun and somewhat relaxing being home. Now back to my real relaxing by my fireplace, it is my night to do nothing! I love it - I am not even going to try to clean up!
Well it was a great Christmas despite the broken camera - it was really fun and somewhat relaxing being home. Now back to my real relaxing by my fireplace, it is my night to do nothing! I love it - I am not even going to try to clean up!
Monday, December 10, 2007
The Monday After
Well...it has come and past...the 6th Annual Holiday Open House! After cooking and preparing my house for over a week (which by the way - I just love cooking, the cleaning, I could do without!) the event took place and was a huge success. I had over 120 people come and enjoy the festivities. It was so fun to have so many people come and eat the food that I made. That does sound kinda weird, but I just love cooking for others and having people over. I guess maybe because my spiritual gift is hospitality. Anyway, I am glad that the freezing rain held off and people were able to come to the party! Now the downer - I have to clean up my house! The other downer, my little puppy Tucker had to go on a playdate during the party, I think he would have tried to sample some of the food and tried to get a little too friendly with the guests. So a big thanks to Miss Karen for babysitting Tucker. And since he missed the party and many people didn't get to see him - I thought that I would include a picture!
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
Kids are so cute!

So I must admit that I am a sucker for cute kids, but I am especially bias towards my nieces and nephews. My sister Jill sent me this picture the other day and I just loved it so I thought I would share it with all my friends. I am pretty sure they may be some of the cutest kids ever (maybe because they are related to me). Anyway - I think the blue clothing really brings out their beautiful blue eyes. It is hard to believe that Kamryn will be four in a just a couple months and Hayes is now 16 months. Wow - how they grow. I can't wait to see them along with my brother's kids (Paige and Matthew) at Christmas time.
One reason I love having them around on Christmas is the excitement that they bring. I love my family but since it is just Dave and I with my mom and dad, Christmas morning can be a real dull time. Dave doesn't really talk or smile or get excited about Christmas, nor does my dad so my mom and I talk to each other and show each other what we got. But later in the day when the kids come, life gets fun at the Grant house. Four grandkids, five grant kids, three spouses, mom and dad, cats, dogs...let's just say it is crazy but fun!!
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
OCC Trip Highlights
So I must say that one of the highlights of this years trip to Charlotte would have to be the song that Brittany and Emmy wrote and performed for me. It was amazing. Take a few minutes and watch this - you will clearly be impressed! They are such fun kids!
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Operation Christmas Child
So we are here in Charlotte North Carolina along with my kids and some adults - it has been a great trip so far - The kids have been awesome and I am so proud of how well they worked yesterday. The trip down was uneventful - but so good that we didn't have to drive. I love taking the bus - it saves so much energy, although - despite being excessively tired I could not sleep on the bus!!! I was like a child with ADD - I couldn't sit still!!! We got in around midnight and got to bed around 1am the first night. Last night my kids were all in their rooms by 10:30pm...where did these kids come from - they are so good!!! It must be their leader :)...anyway..there are some really cool videos of our trip on You Tube, but last time I tried that I got two copies, so until I get a little assistance from my friend Joel I will have to refer you to his blog to see the videos... to see his blog go to www.joelsnyder.net
So until I write again - check out his blog and his video - it is really cool!!
So until I write again - check out his blog and his video - it is really cool!!
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Good Friends! God's Blessings!
Well, I can honestly say that this is the best that I have felt in a few days, maybe a few weeks, maybe this whole month. I was graciously reminded today about God's goodness and faithfulness and his ability to provide, when hope is lost.
It seems as though his timing is impecable!!! (I don't really know how to spell that word but it sounded really good!) Anyway - I was having some financial burdens because of my medical condition and it was stressing me out - and killing my bank account, in fact today I went to get my mail and I was negative 200 - that is bad, but I knew that God would provide, especially since tomorrow if payday (thank goodness!) But much to my surprise I found an envelope on my dresser from my friends, with enough money to pay my taxes and several of my bills. WOW - God truly does answer our prayers! It is funny how he brings people into our lives for such a time as this! Last year at this time I had just met most of these people and over the past year have grown to love them like brothers and sisters.
I still can't believe it - I am so honored to call them my friends, I am humbled and thankful for God's provision in the midst of one of the biggest challenges of my life. God is good, even during the hard times!
It seems as though his timing is impecable!!! (I don't really know how to spell that word but it sounded really good!) Anyway - I was having some financial burdens because of my medical condition and it was stressing me out - and killing my bank account, in fact today I went to get my mail and I was negative 200 - that is bad, but I knew that God would provide, especially since tomorrow if payday (thank goodness!) But much to my surprise I found an envelope on my dresser from my friends, with enough money to pay my taxes and several of my bills. WOW - God truly does answer our prayers! It is funny how he brings people into our lives for such a time as this! Last year at this time I had just met most of these people and over the past year have grown to love them like brothers and sisters.
I still can't believe it - I am so honored to call them my friends, I am humbled and thankful for God's provision in the midst of one of the biggest challenges of my life. God is good, even during the hard times!
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
I hate waiting.... I hate waiting for many things.... like for instance I hate waiting in line at the grocery store, I hate waiting for my food to cook, I hate waiting in lines at Christmas time (that won't be a problem since I am not buying any gifts this year) I just hate waiting period. The reason that I am writing this blog about my hatred for waiting is that I am currently waiting for test results. It just makes me crazy having to wait for them, especially since the tests were done on Friday, you would think that by Tuesday afternoon someone would have read them and they would have had the decency to call my doctor to let him know, so that my doctor could then call me and let me know, then I could stop waiting. Sigh, deep breath.... patience I know, I just need to be patient. And speaking of that don't ever pray that God would help you learn patience unless you are really serious about learning it, because he will put you in situations that will require a ton of it. Okay I am done ranting and raving for a little while, and I will sit back and wait some more in hopes that they will call me and let me know what is going on in my brain!!!!!
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
The cold hits Central PA
Much to my disdain I had to turn my heat on....not just in my room but the whole house! Ahhhhhh!!!!! And worse yet.... electric heat is supposed to go up 17% in January...for real...what is going on that makes the price of electricity go up that much - that is ridiculous!!!!! AHHHHHHH!!! Okay so I guess this is more of a venting session than it is a blog....but hey that is what I am thinking. At least it is free to blog so even if I have to freeze to death I can still blog, or better yet I could sleep in my office - it is much warmer here!
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
Harvest Festival
When I think about the crazy things that I do to make kids laugh I must now add this weekends Harvest Festival. For over an hour and a half I wore these ugly teeth and talked like a redneck... if it didn't make the kids laugh (which I think it did) it sure made the parents laugh. The event took a lot of work but it seemed to be a big success, we had games, food, worms in dirt, pies in faces (mine and braedon's) and lots of other fun stuff... not to mention the Virginia Reel - that was super fun also. I must say I was exhausted at the end of the night but it was well worth it!
320 Boxes Packed
So Midnight Madness was a great success - we had lots of kids and adults show up to prepare, shop, wrap, and put together 320 shoeboxes. It was a pretty amazing night and I am glad that all the hard work and preparation paid off. I have to admit that earlier in the day I was a bit nervous that no one would show up, but thanks be to God - I was wrong - we had a great turn out and everyone seemed to have a great time. A special thanks to all our volunteers from our church and from the local Kiwanas group - I could not do my job without you!!!
Monday, November 05, 2007
Technology is not my thing...
So if you look at the post before this one you will learn really quickly that I hate technology and it has taken too much of my time just to try to get the video posted and then for some reason I am so good at getting the video on that I decided two copies of the video would be better! Ughhhh!!! So I have about four other things to blog about but I should clean my desk instead!
New Orleans
One of my boys did this video about our New Orleans Mission Trip. It is really cool - you should check it out!
Thursday, November 01, 2007
Midnight Madness

It is OCC Time again and with that brings our 5th annual or maybe it is the 6th annual (I am going to need to check on that) Midnight Madness. You may be wondering - what is midnight madness...well it is an All-Area Shoebox packing party. We wrap shoeboxes, go shopping, and pack close to 300 shoeboxes. It is open to all Youth and Families, so feel free to come and join us from 6pm to....who knows when maybe 10pm. There will be pizza and snacks served, so come on out and join us! Oh and for those of you who are wondering why it is called Midnight Madness, well it is because if I am not home and in bed by Midnight then I am mad the next day! Isn't that a great reason to name an event! Like I said before all are welcome to come, we would love to have you join us!
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
The Heat is on!
So much to my dismay, I broke down and finally turned my heat on, despite the fact that my air conditioner is still in the window. I usually am very good about not turning the heat on until the very latest...however my house is freezing and it is a shot night. It is about midnight and I just took my shot about a half hour ago, it was a bleeder, I hate when that happens, I just hope I can sleep through the night, that is my big hope.
Last week my shot prize was a candy bar this week it was Easy Mac, it was not my top choice but it was one of my few options. I will explain my lack of food in a later blog. So with all that being said, I have turned into a wuss and turned my heat on to deal with the chills that I usually get along with my shots.
Last week my shot prize was a candy bar this week it was Easy Mac, it was not my top choice but it was one of my few options. I will explain my lack of food in a later blog. So with all that being said, I have turned into a wuss and turned my heat on to deal with the chills that I usually get along with my shots.
Thursday, October 25, 2007
My girls win, Tucker is bad, MS Sucks

So the title gives away my roller coaster of a day. First the great news, my Lewisburg Girls won the district championship in Cross Country...in fact Casey Miller (one of the nicest and hardest working kids ever!) from my youth group came in first. She along with another girl from my youth group Shannon Wright finished in the top ten or close to it. The boys ended up getting 4th place but ran very well, Great Job today - I am so proud of you!
The down part of the day, I guess watching cross country really did me in today...I was having trouble standing by the end and almost fell asleep at lunch. So I came home and laid down, as I was sleeping my dog decided he was going to search the house for things to destroy and eat and break....
Tucker ripped out the bottom of my box spring, he tried to bite my ear while I was sleeping and was successful in eating my glasses, well they are not completely eaten but they are ruined! He has been so bad - I think he needs exercise but I can't get up without feeling like I need to sit down...which leads me to my last point...MS Sucks!
I so hate the fact that at one moment I feel pretty good, I feel like I can get out and do things, and then the next day it is all I can do to get out of bed...so I did this morning, but then I was back in bed all day, no energy, dizzy, and just exhausted, so because of that I had to stay home tonight and skip Young Life, where I was supposed to give the talk...I guess my role tonight is to just pray for the kids! I know God has a purpose in all of this, I just wish I could see the big picture!
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Shot Night

So my shot night had to be switched this week due to several obligations on Tuesday. It wasn't as bad as last week so that is good, my new trick is to have a reward for myself as soon as I am done taking my shot - last week I wasn't allowed to eat dinner until I did it, this week it was a candy bar, which is a funny story. During middle school youth group tonight we shared our favorite candy bar with everyone - I was trying to explain my new favorite but I couldn't remember the name, I said it was crispy, crunchy something, but it can be found on the top row by the check out at Walmart - well one of my boys (Daniel) said I am going there tonight I will get you one - and that he did, his mom delivered it on their way home.
So thanks Daniel for making my shot worthwhile and thanks Hershey for this new candy bar it is delicious!!!
Friday, October 19, 2007
A rainy Day in Central PA

What is your favorite thing to do on a rainy day.....many people would say nap. Boy would I love a nap right now but that doesn't seem to fit my craziness for the day. Some people would say relax and read a book. Well as I sit here I am looking at a book called MS and Your Feelings and I am not sure I am ready to dive into that one. Some would suggest a movie, that is a good idea, but not the one that I am going for tonight. How about a football game! Despite the fact that sitting in the rain can be a very soggy experience, I actually enjoy experiencing it! Especially if it is going to be on the warm side, which tonight is supposed to be. So that's it folks - my rainy day in central PA choice for the night is FOOTBALL - I must be crazy! Good Luck Tigers!
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
MS Challenge Walk
Well the 30 miles are complete and I can still walk....actually I feel great, which is a nice change to how I felt last week at this time. It seems like my energy comes and goes and last week it was gone and fatigue seemed to be my best friend. But by the weekend, thanks to many people praying I was able to complete the 30 miles. It was a beautiful walk, we explored different historical sites, we walked through a neighborhood of mansions that had streets lined with Sycamore trees! It was so neat! And being competitive I felt that I should just walk but I should walk at a brisk pace....we ended up doing 16 miles in 3.5 hours. We finished in the top 10 people out of about 300....now it wasn't a race, but being the competitor that I am I wanted to walk as fast as I could just to see if I could do it! And I did! I was pretty sore that night and was thankful for an afternoon nap. That night they did a candle lighting service, it was nice, many tears were shed as people shared their stories, but it was also a night filled with hope for the future.
Day 2 was just as beautiful but a different setting, we walked through the horse farms in the Brandywine historical area, there were more hills and I was a bit slower, but thanks to Tim and his insistant prodding, I stayed well hydrated and learned to tolerate Gu (an energy supplement). We finished out our 14 miles in Longwood Gardens which is a beautiful place I just wish that I had more time to just look around, but we were on a mission to finish and that we did, in about 3 hours. We celebrated at the end and had a little ceremony, it was a great weekend and I am so thankful that I was able to finish the 30 miles and feel pretty well (other than being sore!) I am thankful for my friends that made it a point to be there for the finish (Erik and Elias - that poster was great!), Biz - thanks for being a great bathroom buddy, Braedon - thanks for skipping work to be there, and Tim - you are a great walking buddy, even though you hate you the rah rahs!!
Thanks for all those the prayed - I am sure that is the reason I did so well!!! God Rocks!!
Friday, October 12, 2007
The Walk if finally here!
So yeah - I am about to depart for Philly for my 30 mile MS challenge walk. Last year at this time, I would not have thought twice about walking 30 miles, it would be an easy knotch in my belt, but this year brings a whole other twist on walking 30 miles. My body has been about 10 steps behind for the past month or so, so I am a bit nervous. Many people told me that I just shouldn't walk - which you know me that makes me want to do it all the more. Then others say just do what you can and that will be a great success - actually that is what I would tell someone in my position, but for me - it is not a pride thing - it is a physical task that I more than anything want to finish, especially since I have felt so frustrated in my ability to do physical stuff.
So anyway - I am off - we will see what the weekend brings! I will report more later!!
So anyway - I am off - we will see what the weekend brings! I will report more later!!
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Office Privacy
So the great part about my office is that I can clothes both of my doors if I need some privacy or I am working on something important. Now it doesn't always work, but at least it deters some from just walking right through. Our secretary (or Administrative Assistant) does not have that luxury so she often has to put her work on hold and do everything for everyone, as well as hear conversations that she would prefer to not hear. She is basically at the mercy of everyone who walks through the door...Until now.... thanks to my creative juices along with the help of my trusty assistant we built Sharon her own private office on her day off. Now those that enter must ring a bell for service and then enter through the streamer wall to get assistance!
If you are having a similar problem at your office, try streamers - they work wonders and are a great conversation piece!
Monday, October 08, 2007
Cutting Costs
Do you know how much it costs to use your dryer to dry a load of clothes??? It can cost up to 3.50 a load - that is a lot of money especially when you have to wash all your closes do to a flea infestation from Potter County. So my solution to the high costs of drying clothes....turning my back yard into a huge drying rack - my neighbors must think I am nuts! The great news is that so many of my friends have seen my yard and laughed, and have offered to build me some laundry lines because of it! Pretty good deal, A!
Saturday, October 06, 2007
Rescue Dog!

Yes - my dog - although he has not been trained yet to do so, has now been crowned rescue dog for the Himmelrieich Christian Resource Center. Here is the story, Tucker and I were in my office at church with Braedon getting some work done, when our Librarian came into my office and asked if I knew how to get a squirrel out of a building. I mentioned that I was not an expert but maybe Tucker could help...and that he did - he chased that squirrel right out of the building and rescued all the patrons from the potential to contract rabies from the crazy confused squirrel that inhabited the library.
Alas - all were saved by my little four month old puppy! I am just so proud! He will be signing autographs next week at Pets R Us - Super Rescuers!
Get Real with Dave and Jana
Tonight our show will feature our interview with Tony Dungy - if you are able you should listen to the show tonight at 10pm or check out our podcast or listen online at www.wgrc.com
I hope you will enjoy the show!
I hope you will enjoy the show!
Monday, October 01, 2007
My favorite tree!
You want to know what makes me mad...well maybe you don't but I am going to say it anyway...we had a big storm on Thursday of last week. And in the wind of the storm my tree decided to split in half and fall over, but the funny part is that it was my favorite tree - it was young and vibrant (so I thought) and not the tree that I have distain for (that would be the tree that was right next to it, the tree that I have been wanting to remove since I moved in to my house) Instead - the tree that I love is now going to have to be cut down.....that makes me so sad.
Okay so enough about my trees - that was just the beginning of the craziness. And I don't feel like going into details so here is the long and the short of it.
Friday - went to a wedding in Rochester - it was really nice - Congrats Michelle and Adrian! On the way home we looked for a hotel so we could go hiking - there was no room in the Inn or anyplace for that matter, so as we drove, I got a call...my dad was being taken to the hospital again. So back home I came!
He was transferred to Sayre after being stabilized. I stayed at my house because of the orders I recieved from my mom. He was taken to the ICU with an infection and a few other less serious but annoying problems - hives all over.
So when I came home I realized that my basement was leaking under my tub, my dryer had died, and I got four bills from the hospital, ahhhhhhhhhhH!!!!!!!
Stress!! That has been my month - every time I think that things are going to be less stressful - wamo! (Is that a word, if not it is now!)
So now I am getting ready for bed, it is Monday and it has been an uneventful day - thank the Lord (really) I even had a chance to spend some time out in creation - I ran! That is a miracle in and of itself.
Now that I have rambled, I guess that means it is time for bed!
Okay so enough about my trees - that was just the beginning of the craziness. And I don't feel like going into details so here is the long and the short of it.
Friday - went to a wedding in Rochester - it was really nice - Congrats Michelle and Adrian! On the way home we looked for a hotel so we could go hiking - there was no room in the Inn or anyplace for that matter, so as we drove, I got a call...my dad was being taken to the hospital again. So back home I came!
He was transferred to Sayre after being stabilized. I stayed at my house because of the orders I recieved from my mom. He was taken to the ICU with an infection and a few other less serious but annoying problems - hives all over.
So when I came home I realized that my basement was leaking under my tub, my dryer had died, and I got four bills from the hospital, ahhhhhhhhhhH!!!!!!!
Stress!! That has been my month - every time I think that things are going to be less stressful - wamo! (Is that a word, if not it is now!)
So now I am getting ready for bed, it is Monday and it has been an uneventful day - thank the Lord (really) I even had a chance to spend some time out in creation - I ran! That is a miracle in and of itself.
Now that I have rambled, I guess that means it is time for bed!
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Tony Dungy

Yes...it is true..I got to interview Tony Dungy this week. I believe this makes me one step closer to being famous....not that I actually want to be famous, but it is fun to joke about it. We interviewed him for our show Get Real. The interview will air Oct. 6th (which just so you know happens to be Tony's birthday). I must say that the weirdest part about the whole interview was that I didn't know what to call him....was I allowed to call him Tony, should I call him Coach Dungy or Mr. Dungy...it was a hard decision, so I didn't refer to him as anything.
The best part of the story though, was probably not the actual interview although that was amazing and Tony has a great deal of integrity and I was blessed to be able to talk to him. The best part of the story was actually getting to the radio station. I had decided to go for a long training walk and take my puppy Tucker with me. We walked about 7 miles and we were about a mile or so away from my house, when I thought I better ask this woman what time it is. She said 11:30 and in panic I pulled on the leash and said run Tucker. We ran the rest of the way home (btw I have not run in about 10 months) as we were approaching my house, I had a horrible relization that I did not have a car at my house nor did I have my phone with me. I ran into my house and called my collegue and said - I have no car come and get me....he was worried because I was trying to catch my breath and I just didn't want to miss the interview, once he realized that I was okay he laughed and headed to pick me up... good thing this was radio because I looked awful...gross...smelly...sweaty...and best yet I hadn't even brushed my teeth yet. Good thing Coach Dungy didn't have to see me - that would have been a little embarrassing!
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Do I always have to be nice
You know I have been considering writing several times over the last few weeks - however...I do want my blogs to be fun and interesting and somewhat comical....so then does that mean I shouldn't write about the tough stuff or maybe I should only journal about the tough stuff and write about the other fun stuff....but alas I have decided that a blog should be a bit of everything, the good and bad, the funny and the serious, because after all that is me...I am a bit of everything...does that make me confused or ecclectic...I am not sure but whatever it is, it is me. So with that being said, I will just quickly say that the last couples weeks have been very difficult with my dad's health and my health. We are a medical mess! It is official. My dad went back into the hospital by ambulance on Saturday night to find out that he had pneumonia, then the next day they found that he had a ruptured sternum and back into surgery he went. He is out and recovering, but he is not a happy camper as you would imagine. I feel so badly for him and since I have been sick on top of everything - I haven't been able to visit. So friends and strangers that is the long and the short of my thoughts for the day!
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Part 2: Top Ten Things to do when you get up at 3:30 in the morning

Well it seems as though I really enjoy getting up early..... okay not really, in fact I hate it. But hey if you have to suffer by being awake you may as well make the best of it. So here is my top ten list of things to do when you wake up at 3:30am.
10. Put on my night vision goggles and explore the neighborhood
9. Jog two miles with my puppy Tucker in two, the whole time wondering where he is because he is black and I can't see him since I lost my night vision goggles during exploration.
8. Coughed up a lung or two due to the large mass of flem that does not seem to want to leave my body.
7. Had a knock down, drag out fight with a fever...sad to say, but I think the fever won! At least for a couple hours (I actually think that it just broke...since I am now removing the twenty blankets and sweatshirts that I put on because I was shivering so badly.
6. I picked tomatoes at my neighbors house, they told me if I ever needed anything not to hesitate, so I just went for it.
5. Practice singing songs for my concert on Saturday night, the volume didn't seem to be a problem or wake my roommate since I have no voice at all.
4. Make new friends on myspace and facebook, you know the scary ones that stay up all night and stalk people....yeah those ones. You know someone has to befriend them.
3. Played catch with Tucker in the living room to try to get him from barking and waking up Erin.
2. Finished the last episode of season one of the Gilmore Girls.....I think that I am hooked. (Thanks Kathy - what a great gift to enjoy while sitting on the couch.
1. Making up a top ten list filled with truths and lies to see if anyone actually reads my blog and then if they do to see if anyone actually can figure out which ones are true and which ones are false.
Good luck - may the force be with you, hahahaha as you play my little game of what is true and what is a lie!!! Oh wait just for kicks I am going to add a picture, don't worry this is what I am going to do next time I am up in the middle of the night. Okay maybe not, but this is what my boy's do for fun when it rains on a mission trip - it is called Devistation.
Sunday, September 09, 2007
A long but good day!!
I am definately ready for bed!!! My day started bright and early - as they usually do since I have a puppy. We went for our morning walk then off to church....it was Rally day we did a skit - the top ten reasons to miss Sunday School - I was reason number 10 however I feel most people or teens would pick it to be number one.... sleeping in so yes I got to wear my PJs to Sunday School....a little akward but fun none the less. Then it was church time in the Great Hall...then back to my house to finish all the things that I hadn't gotten done already since I was at Sayre all day on Saturday. This afternoon I did the church picnic thing with Tucker - he was a hit all the kids wanted to play with him. I got in trouble for taking him in the creek - I was told I was being a bad example....me a bad example if that is the worst thing I do I think I will make it in life! Then we piled in the van for youth group. We had 22 middle schoolers - it was a blast. Then we had 22 high schoolers, we were missing a bunch but it was still a good time. Then another meeting to pray for our community. Now it is almost 11 pm and I am exhausted and feel like yuck - I didn't sleep last night because swallowing felt as though someone was taking sandpaper up and down my throat! UGHGHHGHGH!!!
So tonight I am having a hot cup of tea and hoping to sleep soundly - we will see how that works out...tomorrow is National start to clean my office day!! I will try to get some pictures!
So tonight I am having a hot cup of tea and hoping to sleep soundly - we will see how that works out...tomorrow is National start to clean my office day!! I will try to get some pictures!
Thursday, September 06, 2007
When it rains it pours!
So this has been a crazy week.... Wednesday morning I received a call from my mom that my dad had been life-flighted to a hospital in Sayre. He had a massive heart attack. So I fed my kids their Wednesday breakfast and tied up a few loose ends at work and headed up to the hospital, because my mom was alone. When I got there my sister was also there which I was very thankful for. So we sat and waited.... the surgery was supposed to take 2.5 hours, and time seemed to be going very slowly as we sat and watched the clock. About 6 hours later, the surgeon came out and met with us. It was much more complicated than they expected and much more serious than a triple bipass. The doctor said that she couldn't believe that he didn't have major problems sooner.
After he was out of recovery my mom got to see him about 5 minutes later she returned and was crying - he looked awful and he got so upset when she talked to him and he would not stay still and tried to talk but he had tubes in his throat.
Needless to say Jill and I did not get to see him Wednesday. So my mom and I stayed up there and Jill went home and came back on Thursday with her husband. My sister in law Jen also came up and we all got to see him. Mom said he looked better, but it was very hard to see him and walk through the ICU. He couldn't talk since he had the tubes in his throat, but he did squeeze my hand.... I wanted to cry but I felt that I needed to be strong.
On my way up to the hospital I was thinking about all the different scenerios and that made me a wreck, I am so thankful he made it through! It is going to be a long recovery, but we will take one day at a time.
So for now I am going to be making several trips to Sayre over the next week or two. Wow how things can change in the blink of an eye. I am so thankful I am feeling well enough to make the drive.
After he was out of recovery my mom got to see him about 5 minutes later she returned and was crying - he looked awful and he got so upset when she talked to him and he would not stay still and tried to talk but he had tubes in his throat.
Needless to say Jill and I did not get to see him Wednesday. So my mom and I stayed up there and Jill went home and came back on Thursday with her husband. My sister in law Jen also came up and we all got to see him. Mom said he looked better, but it was very hard to see him and walk through the ICU. He couldn't talk since he had the tubes in his throat, but he did squeeze my hand.... I wanted to cry but I felt that I needed to be strong.
On my way up to the hospital I was thinking about all the different scenerios and that made me a wreck, I am so thankful he made it through! It is going to be a long recovery, but we will take one day at a time.
So for now I am going to be making several trips to Sayre over the next week or two. Wow how things can change in the blink of an eye. I am so thankful I am feeling well enough to make the drive.
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
Tuesday Night Review
Well it sure has been an interesting day....almost bi-polar. My day started being a bit tired and sluggish because of my injections but finished out high energy as I had to chase my puppy since he decided that he wanted to spend time in the neighbors yard, not normally a problem except the fact that he is black and it is night time and it is very challenging to chase something that you can't see.
It was also bi-polar in a sense because I got a couple not nice emails saying that I needed to be a better communicator and then after a meeting tonight I got a very nice email saying that I did a great job communicating.
Ahhhh - I am not sure that I can ever win! I think the hardest part is that despite the fact that I got that really nice email saying very positive things, I still focus on the other one. Why do I do that?
It was also bi-polar in a sense because I got a couple not nice emails saying that I needed to be a better communicator and then after a meeting tonight I got a very nice email saying that I did a great job communicating.
Ahhhh - I am not sure that I can ever win! I think the hardest part is that despite the fact that I got that really nice email saying very positive things, I still focus on the other one. Why do I do that?
Friday, August 31, 2007
Football Season has begun!
So many people are really excited about the fact that it is football season! Don't get me wrong - I like football - I really enjoy watching a good game...but for me...football season means quality hang out time with kids, parents and other random people.
I went to the first Lewisburg game tonight and let me just say I was trying to park my car and people were already talking to me. I was trying to rush so I could see the band (which was amazing by the way!!!) but I got stopped by at least four people. After the band played it was constant conversation for the next two hours. My favorite part of the night was when my middle school boys were so excited to see me that they ran up and gave me a hug and did the claw which is kinda like giving someone a pound but I guess it is the in thing in CA (according to Josh, anyway)
So all this to say - I love football season because I get to see everyone, and then we have an open gym afterwards and I get to see more people - we had about 30 kids tonight - it was a blast. My kids tell me that I should run for mayor - I think after tonight I will consider that!
I went to the first Lewisburg game tonight and let me just say I was trying to park my car and people were already talking to me. I was trying to rush so I could see the band (which was amazing by the way!!!) but I got stopped by at least four people. After the band played it was constant conversation for the next two hours. My favorite part of the night was when my middle school boys were so excited to see me that they ran up and gave me a hug and did the claw which is kinda like giving someone a pound but I guess it is the in thing in CA (according to Josh, anyway)
So all this to say - I love football season because I get to see everyone, and then we have an open gym afterwards and I get to see more people - we had about 30 kids tonight - it was a blast. My kids tell me that I should run for mayor - I think after tonight I will consider that!
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Things to do when you are awake at 4:30 in the morning
Well since I have been up for several hours, I thought that it would be fun to make a top ten list of things to do when you wake up at 4:30 am.
10. Take the dog outside - but do it quietly so you don't wake up the neighbors or your roommate that doesn't like dogs.
9. Check your email - as if people really send you messages at 4:30 in the morning.
8. Check to see who is on IM - again like other people are as crazy as you and are actually awake at 4:30 am.
7. Get the cat in - as you sit on the couch you realize that your cat is outside, but knowing that the dog and the cat don't get along you have to operate a stealth mission to get the cat in the house without the dog barking and waking up the roommate.
6. Cover the couch - since the furniture in my living room is dying I thought it would be nice to cover it with a sheet, because sheets are way cheaper than fabric and super way cheaper than furniture covers. I can make it one year with sheets, even if they look silly.
5. Check my myspace - my only new friend request was some band from Nashville and they had bad words on their site so they got the nix (is that how you spell that)
4. Check my facebook - I like facebook I am going to be honest - I actually like it much better than myspace, there are so many options for your page and it is easier to communicate with people and if used properly can be a great tool to stay connected with kids or catch up with long lost friends.
3. Watch Home star runner. It has been forever since I have watched a strong bad email. I even looked at the clothes, now that was funny. Strong bad did an email on 5th grade hygiene that was pretty funny.
2. Sent a message - I wonder if people actually look at the times that emails are posted, because if they do they are going to think that I pulled an all nighter.
1. Last but not least....I wrote a blog that I am not sure if anyone is going to read, but if you do infact read it, drop me a little note to say hello, because I am always curious who actually wants to read my thoughts!
10. Take the dog outside - but do it quietly so you don't wake up the neighbors or your roommate that doesn't like dogs.
9. Check your email - as if people really send you messages at 4:30 in the morning.
8. Check to see who is on IM - again like other people are as crazy as you and are actually awake at 4:30 am.
7. Get the cat in - as you sit on the couch you realize that your cat is outside, but knowing that the dog and the cat don't get along you have to operate a stealth mission to get the cat in the house without the dog barking and waking up the roommate.
6. Cover the couch - since the furniture in my living room is dying I thought it would be nice to cover it with a sheet, because sheets are way cheaper than fabric and super way cheaper than furniture covers. I can make it one year with sheets, even if they look silly.
5. Check my myspace - my only new friend request was some band from Nashville and they had bad words on their site so they got the nix (is that how you spell that)
4. Check my facebook - I like facebook I am going to be honest - I actually like it much better than myspace, there are so many options for your page and it is easier to communicate with people and if used properly can be a great tool to stay connected with kids or catch up with long lost friends.
3. Watch Home star runner. It has been forever since I have watched a strong bad email. I even looked at the clothes, now that was funny. Strong bad did an email on 5th grade hygiene that was pretty funny.
2. Sent a message - I wonder if people actually look at the times that emails are posted, because if they do they are going to think that I pulled an all nighter.
1. Last but not least....I wrote a blog that I am not sure if anyone is going to read, but if you do infact read it, drop me a little note to say hello, because I am always curious who actually wants to read my thoughts!
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
My new NANO
So I have officially become cool....I finally have an Ipod and the best part - it was a gift!!! And motivation for me while I am training for my 30 mile walk. I just can't believe it - my very own ipod nano. You may be wondering what color - it is silver - no bells and whistles just a simple ipod - now all I need is one of those cool armbands so I don't get it all sweaty! Anyway - I just thought that I would write about how cool I now am....it is funny to think that a little machine can make you cool!
Monday, August 27, 2007

Did I mention that I got a puppy a couple weeks ago? He is really cute and his name is Tucker! I love him to death. He makes me smile, except when he is biting my leg with his gator teeth!!! Anyway - he is a great pup 22 out of 24 hours a day!
If you ever get bored and want to come play with him you are more than welcome to do so!!!
Technology Whoas!!!
Okay so can you believe it - two post in less than three days - Joel watch out - I may just become hooked like you! Anyway - so a very sad thing happened in technology land on Sunday. Out of the kindness of my heart I turned my cell phone off at church so it would not interfere with the hearing impaired sound system. Nice person, huh! Yeah that is what I thought until my phone decided not to turn back on....I tried everything, but nothing would work and of course we were having two youth events that day and people were trying to find me and I have no long distance on my home phone and yeah...let's just say a mess! So I went to a store this morning to get it fixed and they said, sorry we only can fix it if you got it here - WHAT ahahahhahahha!!! (that is the steroids talking!) So then I drove to the mall later this evening and the man was very nice, he gave me a brand new phone. The only problem was he could not get anything off the other phone, it had gone to the grave and taken every single, number, picture and song with it!!! Ughhhhh!!! I guess no more "Jack Johnson - Upside down" when people call - no more cute little kids when I open the phone.
So I guess the moral of the story is that they now have this thing where you can register your phone numbers online in a safe database so if this happens you will have all your numbers. But of course I didn't know about this - so I lost everything - so yeah - if you know me and we talk sometimes you might want to call and give me your number so we can still be friends!
So I guess the moral of the story is that they now have this thing where you can register your phone numbers online in a safe database so if this happens you will have all your numbers. But of course I didn't know about this - so I lost everything - so yeah - if you know me and we talk sometimes you might want to call and give me your number so we can still be friends!
Saturday, August 25, 2007
A reflective serious post
So as much as I was planning to do at least a post every week - life sometimes throws you for a loop. I guess I have been avoiding making posts over the last couple of weeks, because I knew they would not be fun and jovial so I figured I shouldn't write, but the more I sit here on my couch and think about it, the more I realize, that maybe this is the best time to write a blog....so here it is! My blog, you know know this year has been a rough year, much rougher than I could have ever imagined. I never expected to become ill, to recieve the diagnosis of MS or have what I considered a nice normal active life fall completely apart in front of my face.
I have hated this year at times, I have grown immensely this year at times, I have been close to God at times, and I have just yelled at God at times. I laugh and I cry, I reflect and I re-evaluate constantly.
This past month I had another flare up of my MS - not good when your hands don't work, you drop things, you can't type, and it feels like you have your hands inside the oven, which led them to find my newest lesion on my spinal cord - fun stuff - okay not really, but hey I am trying to be positive.
This week I have spent alot of quality time at the hospital making new friends with the infusion department - they are wonderful people and after 5 days of 2 hour steroid IVs you get to know them pretty well. Some people love steroids because it gives them energy - me....not so much - I get sick - dizzy ill and I can't sleep, not to forget the great side effects of emotional roller coasters and "roid rage" don't worry I have yet to beat up anyone today anyway.
Despite not sleeping and spending the week on the couch I was able to accomplish alot of stuff - delegation is my new favorite thing! I also got to hang out with alot of my kids as they came over to help out and play with my new puppy Tucker.
The down fall to the whole thing is that despite feeling loved and having company there is still this feeling of being alone in this whole thing - that is rough - now again - this is probably my steroids talking for me - but it is hard to sit here alone when your family is all together celebrating your nephews first birthday - that really stinks. Or all your friends are out enjoying a night of camping and your are on the couch. Worse yet - when you have friends that don't seem to even care - when I know that is not the case - it is just that is how I feel - one of my friends just tells me to stop feeling because I am acting like a girl, but hey I am a girl.
So I am not sure if this is helping me or making me more unsettled in the emotions category - I hate being this way because I know that it is not me and it stinks. I hate drugs. But yet if it makes my hands work - then it is worth it! So the moral of this whole blog is - don't take steroids unless you really need them and don't do drugs they will mess with your mind and don't get MS because it really sucks.
The end!
I have hated this year at times, I have grown immensely this year at times, I have been close to God at times, and I have just yelled at God at times. I laugh and I cry, I reflect and I re-evaluate constantly.
This past month I had another flare up of my MS - not good when your hands don't work, you drop things, you can't type, and it feels like you have your hands inside the oven, which led them to find my newest lesion on my spinal cord - fun stuff - okay not really, but hey I am trying to be positive.
This week I have spent alot of quality time at the hospital making new friends with the infusion department - they are wonderful people and after 5 days of 2 hour steroid IVs you get to know them pretty well. Some people love steroids because it gives them energy - me....not so much - I get sick - dizzy ill and I can't sleep, not to forget the great side effects of emotional roller coasters and "roid rage" don't worry I have yet to beat up anyone today anyway.
Despite not sleeping and spending the week on the couch I was able to accomplish alot of stuff - delegation is my new favorite thing! I also got to hang out with alot of my kids as they came over to help out and play with my new puppy Tucker.
The down fall to the whole thing is that despite feeling loved and having company there is still this feeling of being alone in this whole thing - that is rough - now again - this is probably my steroids talking for me - but it is hard to sit here alone when your family is all together celebrating your nephews first birthday - that really stinks. Or all your friends are out enjoying a night of camping and your are on the couch. Worse yet - when you have friends that don't seem to even care - when I know that is not the case - it is just that is how I feel - one of my friends just tells me to stop feeling because I am acting like a girl, but hey I am a girl.
So I am not sure if this is helping me or making me more unsettled in the emotions category - I hate being this way because I know that it is not me and it stinks. I hate drugs. But yet if it makes my hands work - then it is worth it! So the moral of this whole blog is - don't take steroids unless you really need them and don't do drugs they will mess with your mind and don't get MS because it really sucks.
The end!
Tuesday, June 12, 2007

So I have not been very good at Blogging despite my great intentions!!! I do have a great friend who sends me nice gentle reminders that it is in fact time again to blog - thanks Joel!! You are my motivation and inspiration to be a good blogger. I thought that my next blog would be about all the stuff that is going on with my life from a medical standpoint, but to be honest - I am not ready to do that...so instead - I am going to vent for a moment - but just a short moment then back to the reality of having too much to do and not enough time. So I have about 20 hours of work to get done before tomorrow at 2pm and let's just say there isn't even that much time if I didn't sleep. This being sick one day a week really messes up your schedule. So yeah! The list of stuff to do keeps getting longer, and my brain keeps getting smaller. Anyway - I am going to take a side moment to mention the picture that I have included... it was from a great trip which I will chat about later but it seems kinda funny to be sitting in the trunk of a car talking on a cell phone right next to the Arkansas river... oh I wish I could go back to that place - that trunk was huge and confortable - no worries I wasn't shut in it just resting in with the trunk open. Anyway - those are my thoughts for the moment! Joel have a great day!
Monday, May 21, 2007
There are many of me!
I can't believe that there are 28 other Jana Grant's in the US - that is too cool!!! You should check this out and see how many there are of you!
HowManyOfMe.com | ||
Lewisburg is famous on You Tube
Tuesday, May 01, 2007
Okay - so I was told today that I need to blog more....and to be honest...I am sure that I have alot to blog about, but I am trying not to be too negative and things have been kinda rough lately, so I am going to just do a short little blog today and then I am going to try to start and blog about all the crazy stuff that has been going on in my life. So the title - shots...tonight I begin my life long journey of injections for MS....I am a bit nervous...I have to give myself my shots...and the needle seems pretty long. I know that I will be fine, but the thought of it makes me nervous. I think I am also nervous about how it is going to make me feel. It has been described to me as feeling like you have been hit with a train for about 24 hours after each shot for about the first 3 months. That doesn't sound like fun to me... yuck! So yeah...that is where I am today... a bit nervous...a bit on edge with all of the uncertainty...I also think that knowing that this is for my whole life is a bit overwhelming and I am not sure that reality has set in yet. I am going to have to put on my tough girl self and suck it up. So yeah - that's it! Those are my thoughts for this fine day - Joel this is for you!
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
This is supposed to be a vacation
So this week was supposed to be a week off, time away, with no worries, no expectations, no nothing but dog sitting and relaxing at the mansion, however this week has been no such thing! It has been work, busyness, tennis, meetings, long phone calls with the insurance company, lots of headaches thanks to those long calls, being sick, and getting drilled in the neck with a volleyball. Okay so I guess this is my venting! I did take the day off of tennis, that was a good move so now I am going to try to relax since tomorrow ...well let's just say I am booked from 8:30 am until 10 pm. The worse part about the whole thing is that this week I made some promises to myself that I would take time to think about things in life that have been crazy lately, my schedule, my friendships, my life with MS, you know all that fun stuff. So I guess I should stop writing and get a move on those things! When I am ready I will actually try to make a post about the whole MS thing - but right now... I am just not ready!
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
Central PA Grossness
Only in Central PA would someone be crazy enough to do something quite as gross as this... and crazy as I am I am allowing this adult male to come on a retreat this weekend with 25 middle school students! WOW!! I must be crazy... but really about this appetizing display...Saturday was a sportsman's dinner at a local Mennonite church so a guy (we will keep him anonymous for now) decided that he would create a place to be displayed on the table along with all the other foods that we to be eaten that night at the meal. I was assured it was fresh roadkill - but is there really such a thing??? So yeah it was funny until some children started to go up to the plate and eat the crackers that were so nicely displayed on the plate...needless to say the plate was removed from the table, thank goodness! This was too funny not to post! I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did!
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