Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Harvest Festival

When I think about the crazy things that I do to make kids laugh I must now add this weekends Harvest Festival. For over an hour and a half I wore these ugly teeth and talked like a redneck... if it didn't make the kids laugh (which I think it did) it sure made the parents laugh. The event took a lot of work but it seemed to be a big success, we had games, food, worms in dirt, pies in faces (mine and braedon's) and lots of other fun stuff... not to mention the Virginia Reel - that was super fun also. I must say I was exhausted at the end of the night but it was well worth it!


Gledwood said...

Darling we don't have rednecks in this country... but we do have rural peasants, who dress like scarecrows and have faces like Toby jugs... (haha!) what am I saying I lived in the country for years and it beats the hell out of suburban hell. Still once I found London I decided I'm never moving out unless it's to Paris...Berlin... New York... etc!

Ashley said...

Your pic is soooo funny!!