Thursday, January 10, 2008

Resolution #10

So I am on resolution number 10 already...I better start thinking ahead so I don't run out of resolutions, someone asked me today what my new resolution was and I had no idea so I figured I better start to think about it! So after my drive home from job #2 I decided that my next resolution about be about walking. The weather here in Central PA has been rediculously warm, to the point of wearing a long sleeve t-shirt and pants. So I have been spoiled this past week! Anyway - back to my resolution, walking! I have been much better at walking daily since I have Tucker, but sometimes that is just a short walk to get him out - what I would really like to do is at least three times a week go for a longer walk, at least a 30 minute walk, maybe even throw in a hike every now and then... but that may be it's own resolution. Anyway walk for at least 30 minutes three times a week that is today's in a nut shell, if anyone wants to walk with me just let me know!

1 comment:

Ashley said...

I LOVE walking - and walking with a friend is so much fun!