A blog about a blogaholic!!!! If you have never checked out Josh Griffin's blog you should....he blogs an average of about 10 blogs a day, they are always entertaining, and sometimes even helpful and thought provoking! Check it out at Morethandodgeball.com Today I had the priviledge and honor to do an interview with Josh for our summer youth ministry series that will be aired in July on Get Real with Dave and Jana. It was so fun to chat with him before we did the interview - he is so funny! Really really funny! But what I didn't realize is that he can also be very serious and well spoken. We did a 15 minute interview and he was able to maintain a serious tone through the whole thing! Actually, he is a great guy with a great heart, and a great deal of wisdom about Youth Ministry. Check out his blog, if nothing else you will be entertained! Thanks for an awesome interview today!!!
If Dave is ever sick and you need a cohost...booya! I'm totally there...
You forgot to mention that he is totally cute.
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