Saturday, December 10, 2011

Advent Adventure Day #10

Sorry I am a little later in the day posting this advent adventure, but it has been a busy morning of working and decorating our youth room at church.  I hope some of you were able to go out on a light tour last night.  My family enjoyed our drive - we saw many beautiful houses and some very unique houses.  My favorite house was very unique - I tried to take a picture but it didn't turn out.  Their entire from lawn was covered with lighted Christmas gifts of all shapes and sizes - it was really cool!  And speaking of gifts.... that is today's adventure.

Many of you today will be shopping, some in our area will be out hunting - either way you can give a gift. One of the best gifts we get each year from a family in our church is meat for our freezer - a couple steaks, some hamburger and other assorted pieces.  It saves us lots of money and is very practical.  Today I want to encourage you to give a gift of food... maybe to a food bank, maybe to a family in your church or a shelter that is near your home.  For those hunters out there - you can share some of your meat with a neighbor or a co-worker - what a practical way to give!  It has been a blessing to us so I hope that we can in turn give that same blessing to others!

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