Thursday, February 28, 2008

Swimming with Meg in the Big Pool

So my friend Meg - my recreational/theraputic director worked her magic the other day and was able to get me a month by month free pass to Bucknell. It is really exciting, but also quite scary. We decided to take a huge step of faith and pull out our bathing suits (which we both decided are a bit more snug than they used to be) and headed to the big bad pool at Bucknell....I am going to be honest- I was a bit nervous....I am not sure what it is about Bucknell but every time I step on campus I just don't feel as though I belong...I am not sure if it is the fact that all those kids are smarter than me or have more money than me or what but I just feel very inferior when I am there, and I even know many people and I still get that way.

So we went to the pool and did our first official physical therapy for our MS. Meg was able to walk in the pool without assistance (which was a highlight - yes when you have MS you celebrate all walking victories!!!!) and I was able to do some aqua jogging aerobics slash movements slash if you were watching me you probably would have laughed but it was good workout - I actually felt pretty good. At the end of our 45 minutes of exercise I decided to swim some laps - I did a total of 4 - go me!!! I could not help but think about the past when I was in college and lifeguarding - I used to be able to swim 56 laps without stopping (I think that is a mile) Anyway - I need to stop comparing because I am a different person now - instead I need to just celebrate the victory! We exercised for 40 minutes and didn't drown!!!!! WHOHOOOO!!!!

Now that the celebrating is over, we both went home and crashed - okay I didn't go home and crash I went to work and I crashed. I am not sore at all, but I am tired - super tired. I am hoping that the more we go swimming the less fatigued we will be....ahhhh we can only hope!


Anonymous said...

Jana. This Summer you should come swim in my pool. :)

Ashley said...

you go girl! you are so brave. i'm sure the pool was inside and heated...right?:-)