As the week at Clearfield workcamp has come to a close, I am doing laundry, napping, and getting all the supplies ready for my next camp which starts tomorrow - that's right back to back camps! I can imagine right now you are saying - why on earth would you do that? You need to rest! You are right I do need to rest, however due to an injury this week of another MC (my beloved Stephanie) Group needed to find someone in two days that would be able to do a camp in Pennsylvania. So that's why I am off to do another camp!
A couple of good things - they let me sleep in my own bed tonight and show up early tomorrow morning - that is a praise! This next camp is on a college campus, so I get my own bed (instead of an air mattress!) And best of all the bedrooms have air conditioning! Praise God for that!
It is a bit of a whirlwind, but I have slept a lot today, and I am soon heading to bed, I am all packed, and ready I do believe! My hubby is off at a game with his students, we got to spend a couple hours together - that too was a blessing! He is so supportive of me and my ministry!
Now as I close this blog here are a few pictures from the week!

We collected 4017 cans of food to donate to the local food bank then made a huge chain of students to get it loaded! Super cool!
Doing my MC duties - speaking each morning and night - oh and song leading too - Jori had to leave early because she is a flex - it was a bit tiring, wish I had more energy!
One of the favorites of the week was our bus driver, is name is Ishmeal and he took several crews to their sites daily! When I was talking to him, he mentioned that someone from one of the little towns called Houtzdale - called his company in Chicago and reported that he must be lost because busses don't come to their town - it was so funny!