Tuesday, February 28, 2012

A note from the Substitute

Over the past two weeks I have been able to get a few days of subbing at local high schools and middle schools.  In those days of subbing I have had two drastically different experiences.  And through those experiences I have come up with few suggestions.

To the staff
1.  If you see me or another substitute - please say hello!  I am a guest at your school, I am there to serve and help out and fulfill a need, it would be great to feel welcomed!
2.  Stop by my room....and if you do - please introduce yourself.  It is nice to know the other teachers you are working with even if it is just temporarily.  It is also nice to know the names of the aids that will be working with you that day.
3.  Smile - if you are having a bad day - try not to take it out on me or the kids.
4.  Lesson plans - thank you for them!  They are helpful to not look like a moron in front of the kids.  I am happy to teach and not just babysit if you leave me a plan.

To the students
1.  Just because I am not your regular teacher, do not mean I don't know how to teach or discipline for that matter.
2.  Smile and say hello!  It's that easy.
3.  Just an FYI - I am not moron - I know that you shouldn't be using pictures of beer as clip art!

Oh the joys of teaching.  I do love it and I will go back, but hopefully when I do I will find my way around a little bit better, I will know a few more people and I will feel less like a stranger.

It also seems like this has some great parallels for the church..... when we see a new face in church - we should be applying all of the above..... I hope no one ever walks out of our church feeling like I felt the day I walked out of school.


Nancy Koerber said...

Sadly, many may visit a church and feel the same way. Hopefully not at Centre Grove. We have always been considered a friendly church but we are taking steps to become more and more intentional about all we do.
Schools and churches need to go to Disney World and see how they do hospitality--they get it right!!
But you are so right--much of this is just having some manners and a welcoming spirit.

Anonymous said...

I definitely like the note for the students reminding them that you are not a moron. Sometimes as I am subbing I think, "Boy this kid must think I am a complete and total idiot if he thinks I am going to buy whatever it is he is trying to convince me of." :)
Happy Subbing!