Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Six Days Remaining
Okay for all those that have voted so far in my poll I would like to give you a little update on what is happening with the RSVPs - so at this point we still have not recieved over half of our response cards back.....we are still missing 194 I know that they still have six days to respond, but seriously people should know by now if they are coming or not - for my sanity, please just send the cards in already - I need to be sure we can fit in the church and pay the caterer! Okay that is my little venting/reminder for the day! Hope all is going well with you readers, and to answer the question - no, at this point I am not too stressed, give me a week or two and let's make sure all the dresses fit and then ask me :)
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Nineveh or Bust!

This title - though catchy, may cause some people to be upset, however I feel as though this is a perfect opportunity to share what has been going on in my life and in my heart. My hope is that by the end you will understand that I mean not to hurt anyone's feelings, or show disrespect for anyone's community..... so with that as my's what went down.
As you know - In one month I will be getting married, so that leads to many changes, some of which are really exciting and some of which are going to take some time to work through and process. Anyway - the decision was made that I will work full time at the church until Jan. 31st and then I will work part time from that point until May 24th. This will allow time for the kids to have some closure and so forth.
Well this week in youth group was the week for me to tell my Branching Out students, the middle schoolers, I had told the high school students the week prior and now it was time to break the news to the younger of my kids. The lesson that day just so happened to be on Jonah, my kids were in groups and they had to act out the four chapters of the Jonah. As the students began to act it out, I had a strong realization that I was acting like Jonah, maybe not outwardly but in my heart. God told Jonah to go to Nineveh and he said no way - then the great fish know that part of the story, so Jonah says fine God - I will go to Nineveh, but I am not going to be happy about - even though Jonah went his heart was not in the right place.
Well, as I sat there convicted about my own heart being in the wrong place, I used my leaving as an analogy of Jonah - but I had to admit to my kids, my heart is just like Jonah's - I know I am to move to Richfield, but I don't want to leave what is comfortable, I don't want to leave my kids, my church family, my friends, my favorite little house....I have a bad attitude about moving. It is hard to admit that we have a hard heart to our kids, but I think it helped them understand that I wasn't leaving them, but God was moving me to a new place to do a new ministry.
I then told the story to the parents at our meeting the following of the parents jumped up and said we should make a sign for your car on your wedding day that says Nineveh or Bust! So lately I guess I have been like Jonah and I have seen Richfield as my Nineveh, I am so excited (and a bit nervous) to get married and start a new life, and my goal in this next month is to allow God to change my heart so I am not just saying that I am willing to go, but I have a joyful heart about going as well!
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