These two days were spent in DuBois Pa. We spent some time at a hotel (thanks to Mandy!) And enjoyed meeting new family as well as time celebrated Christmas with some family members. Ella had a sleepover at Nana's house and enjoyed Cousin day with Easton. I didn't get lots of pictures, but here is an Elf picture of the set up - they enjoyed lots of fun activities together.
Day #10
Cousin Day – Let’s have some fun
We will
laugh and sing and even run
the house, we’ll make some noise
We eat,
hide out and play with toys
I have a
few things to add to the joy
So open
me up, and together enjoy!
Verse of
the Day: Ecclesiastes 4:9
Day 11 - thankfully - the weather did work out as it was predicted because I had to plan everything ahead of time for the whole weekend... and it snowed as planned and Ella loved it!
Day #11
morning Sunshine, Go and look to the sky
Will it
be snowing, can you see it with your eyes?
If it is
snowing I think you should go out
throw a few snowballs, and give a big shout
angels are possible, I would make one I would
playing in the snow is something you should
Do when
it’s winter, it doesn’t snow much
So enjoy
it and remember the meaning is such
died to help us to know
washes our sins as white as snow
Verse of
the Day: Isaiah 1:18
This was also a great opportunity to talk about the fact that Jesus washes our sins are white as snow! What a great promise!
Making Snowmen as we drive home. |
Elfina's snow angel |
Snowball fight! |