Sunday, March 15, 2015

A Hug From Heaven

The last week and half has been more difficult that I would have ever imagined could be possible.  As you all know we are scheduled to leave for our 3 month mission trip on Thursday, but what I didn't plan for was week of saying goodbye to loved ones, many trips to the hospital as well as a trip to see my parents.  In a two week time period my dad fell and broke 5 ribs and punctured a lung, a great man of faith Guy Temple, who went on almost every trip I did with my students in Lewisburg,  went to sit at the feet of Jesus as his health unexpected deteriorated very quickly.  Then the biggest hurdle of my life time up to this point was saying goodbye to my dear friend Kolleen, she was only 35 years old and a wonderful mother to 4 young children, and a wife to Kevin.  She was one of the hardest working women I have ever known.  She loved Jesus and I was blessed to know her.  What we thought was a bad case of the stomach flu at the movies, turned into the most difficult of situations as she was rushed to the hospital with a brain aneurism that burst, but had not warning signs.... she hung on for several days and fought hard (as she always did).  We prayed and prayed for miracles and we saw many during those days, but we prayed for complete healing and we believed it would happen.... and it did, it just wasn't the earthly healing that we so desperately wanted, it was a heavenly healing! She is with Jesus, she is whole, she is healed!  Though I miss her so much, I know the hardest part is knowing that Kevin and the kids are without a wife and a mom.

My heart hurts for them as they begin this new journey as a family, it hurts me that I won't be around the next few months, so I wanted to do something for them to remind them how much their mommy loved them.... so with a little help from my mom and her fabulous stash of fabrics I was able to make a big heart shaped pillow for each of the kids with soft flannel fabric,  The heart wide and long so as they lean in it will feel like a hug from heaven.  It is so hard for them to understand, but I know and I trust that God will take care of them and daily remind them of his love and their mother's love. Making these was also very theraputic for me and as I walked into the sewing room, the radio was playing the song.... You are not alone.  Below is a picture of the hearts and one with Ella as she wanted to give each one a hug from her as well.  I am also putting a link to the you are not alone song as well.

If for some reason the video below doesn't play, just click on this link.  May you be blessed, with a hug from heaven.