I didn't realize until just yesterday that I hadn't blogged since Christmas - the time just flew by - I actually do have a few things on my blog idea list, but I also wanted to take a little break from the computer. Lately at church we have been talking about giving things up so we can better serve, whether it would be time wise, money wise or stuff wise.
I am feeling like I spend a lot of time on the computer and wanted to have family time over Christmas break with no distractions. Before I knew it January was here and to be honest with our trip to St. Louis I didn't really have a lot of time to reflect on my goals (aka Resolutions) for the new year. In fact - I still have come up with my list..... however - I do know that I want 12 goals for 2012. Over the new two weeks I will be blogging about those 12 goals in hopes to encourage you and to be accountable.
Several years ago I did 31 Resolutions and as I look back I kept at least 15 - so let's see how I do this year - if I have 12 and keep 6 I will be thrilled!! How are you doing with your goals for the New Year?